Simple mental hacks that can help you get richer


There are many psychological tricks that you can do to make yourself earn more money. Frame of mind is extremely important, and with the right one you can find that you will begin to earn more money on your investments and at your job. A few mental tricks that you can do to begin earning more money are to weigh financial decisions in a foreign language as this helps you think through a problem. You may also find it beneficial to try to stop worrying and to set goals on how much money you want to have in your savings accounts. Using photographs of things that you are saving for, such as your children for their education also helps many people focus on their investments. Another good idea is to visualize your older self, imagining what you want to do when you finally get to retire and visiting your aunts or grandparents. Finally, be sure to always focus on the math in a decision instead of your feelings. While these tips may seem silly, esteemed universities have found that by doing these things you can trick your brain into making you want to earn more money, which will hopefully result in actually tangibly saving more money.

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